Category Archives: Beaux Magique

What an Awesome Summer

What an Awesome Summer in Ontario!

We became a member of the Pagan Business Network. It’s a great resource for us to reach more of you! Pagan Business Network


We’ve survived KG despite the heat and crazy rain. Kaleidoscope Gathering is an all ages, all paths, all pagan, and all awesome event! Definitely planning to come back next year. Thanks Auz and MaryAnne!

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We’ve got a great new vendor in Pembroke, Ontario! They were our neighbors! Regina and Lisa both ROCK my world! They are carrying a wide variety of all my products. Be sure to go over and sample everything! See you soon, Ladies!




We forgot that we’ve got some swag shirts for sale over at Redbubble. How could we forget that?? Show your Beaux Magique pride! All funds go to helping us bring you more Magique!



And somehow, beyond understanding we forgot that we were in Durham Region Pagan Pride! Holy cow! It was an unexpected surprise for sure. Thanks to all who came out and supported us vendors and the community!



We’re not even DONE!

Be sure to sign up for the Beaux Magique spam free newsletter, find us on Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest or follow us on Twitter! You can even shop online with us on Etsy for short run and sale items or the full catalog at The Raven’s Rune!

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title: “What an Awesome Summer”

Now Taking Pre Orders for KG

Now Taking Pre Orders for <a href="http://ravensknoll buy cialis” target=”_blank”>KG – Canada’s largest Pagan festival. After 26 years, they know what they are doing!


Some of our items go fast! Avoid disappointment and pre-order today! You can take a look through our Anointing Oils, Charged Waters, Hand Blended Signature Scents, Dusting Powders, and Charm Sachets to see what you’d LOVE to have. You can either message me here or order through The Raven’s Rune. I’ll bring it with me! Don’t see something you want? Know I can probably make it? Message me here!

Be sure to sign up for the Beaux Magique spam free newsletter, find us on Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest or follow us on Twitter! You can even shop online with us on Etsy for short run and sale items or the full catalog at The Raven’s Rune!

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title: “Now Taking Pre Orders for KG”

Wic-Can Fest ~ 2015

We had a great time at Wic-Can Fest, Canada’s oldest and longest running pagan festival!

Set up at Wic-Can Fest

We had great neighbors, The Raven’s Rune, Evora’s Attic, and Altruistic Apothecary! We got a little soggy in the rain and had to set back up. The wind was crazy! We lost the tent as well as our spare. Happily the sun came out and we had a great time in the heat.

New set up after the rain

We’ve got a few new items to add to our extensive list as well as some items that will be discontinued. It’s ok! Means there will be a scratch and dent sale in order to get us to KG in the fall. Thanks to everyone who came out!

Be sure to sign up for the Beaux Magique spam free newsletter, find us on Facebook, Google Plus, Pinterest or follow us on Twitter! You can even shop online with us on Etsy for short run and sale items or the full catalog at The Raven’s Rune!

Brantford Pagan Meet & Greet

8th Annual Brantford Pagan Meet & Greet 2015

Brantford Pagan Meet & Greet

What a great day! We had a blast meeting all our friends old and new in Mohawk Park on May 30, 2015! The weather cooperated for most of the day as well. We had some higher winds later in the day. Hey, that’s what we get for having a Kemetic opening ritual invoking the Winds of Change!

As usual we had lots of questions about our products and their uses. I’m reasonably sure that I talked myself hoarse – and loved every second of it. We test drove some new products that you will see rolling in out in the next few months.

We can’t wait to get back and see everyone again soon! Be sure to check out our friends over at

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