15th Annual PPD Hamilton Harvestfest

15th Annual PPD Hamilton Harvestfest
Its our 15th annual PPD Hamiton Harvestfest. Entertainment, Workshops and vendors. Located at the Bandshell in Gage Park.
This years entertainment lineup includes: The Dragon Ritual Drummers; Elysium Tribal Dance Troupe; Natalie Blueraven Rubyhill and the Blueraven Drummers, Myke Hutchings; Troup Obskurah and Stacie Noël. We will have a Women’s ritual led again this year by Nemeton. We are planning a 15th anniversary Ritual and many great workshops which i will be posting over the next few days! Our food vendor this year will be Memphis BBQ who will be serving up from 830 – 430. They will have a vegetarian option for lunch meals for those that chose.