TPPD Toronto PaganFest 2019

TPPD Toronto PaganFest 2019
Consider this a Save-the-Date, and join us for inclusive rituals, hand-on workshops, shopping from our vendors, and meeting other pagans on Sat Sep 7, 2019 at 12:00pm at TPPD’s Toronto PaganFest 2019 at Dufferin Grove Park!
Also, a returning feature this year is the fire! We’ve missed it, and we’re happy to have a space where we can include it again.
And a new feature this year is musical entertainment. We’ll curate some entertainment for everyone to enjoy.
We’re so happy to have chosen Feed It Forward as our charity organisation for the second year in a row as they continue to amaze us with the work they do.
This event is open to all pagans, the pagan-friendly, and the pagan-curious. Meet some new friends, learn some old traditions, share in the spirit of the harvest season.
There is still a lot to be done to make this event happen, so watch this this event page and as we make updates.
– Vendor –