Tag Archives: Brantford Pagan Meet & Greet

Brantford Pagan Meet & Greet

8th Annual Brantford Pagan Meet & Greet 2015

Brantford Pagan Meet & Greet

What a great day! We had a blast meeting all our friends old and new in Mohawk Park on May 30, 2015! The weather cooperated for most of the day as well. We had some higher winds later in the day. Hey, that’s what we get for having a Kemetic opening ritual invoking the Winds of Change!

As usual we had lots of questions about our products and their uses. I’m reasonably sure that I talked myself hoarse – and loved every second of it. We test drove some new products that you will see rolling in out in the next few months.

We can’t wait to get back and see everyone again soon! Be sure to check out our friends over at www.PaganGatherings.ca

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