Tag Archives: Witches of Color Canada

Back In The Saddle

 Hey ya’ll!!

I just wanted to take a moment to say a huge thank you for being so patient and supportive over the past few months. Your kindness and enthusiasm have meant the world to me, and I really appreciate you sticking with me through the ups and downs.

I’ve been busy behind the scenes working on something special for you all. While there were a few bumps along the way, your encouragement has kept me motivated and excited to create something truly memorable.

So, what’s coming up next? I’m thrilled to let you know that our next event is just around the corner!

See you  at the  Holistic Healing Fair  at  The StoneHouse Hall on Sept 22nd! 

I’m sure  you’re all wondering what’s next for Beaux Magique. I can’t share all the details just yet, but I promise it’s going to be worth the wait! To keep up with the latest news, make sure to follow me on social media and check out my website. I’ll be sharing more info soon, and I can’t wait to see you there!

Thank you once again for your patience and incredible support. I’m so grateful to have you as part of this journey. Get ready for an event you won’t want to miss!

Grinding Frankincense

Back to Our Regularly Scheduled… Uhhhhh


(Sort of?)

Grinding Frankincense
Grinding Frankincense
Greeting Friends and Frenemies! It’s been quite the ride since our last update! Pandemic? Yeah that’s a thing. However, I’m talking about the lab! What? You didn’t hear? We moved house!  That’s right! We are now located in BEAUTIFUL Huntsville, Ontario!
Toad on a  Brick
Toad on a Brick
I’ll be real with ya’ll. We closed shop last November to prepare for the move. In true naïve fashion, I thought for sure that we’d be up an running in a few months.   INSERT LAUGHTER HERE . Yeah that didn’t work out too well. After seven months? We’re still struggling to get things put away, restock, and generally not burn out.. AGAIN. 
That being said? My deepest thanks to everyone who has ordered and continues to order from us.  Here’s to a brand new adventure!

Thank you for reading! Please allow SEVEN business days to prepare your order. We are open for business! Remember, all shipping is delayed and includes a little lagniappe!

Be sure to find us on FacebookPinterestTumblr, or follow us on Twitter!