Fiery Wall of Protection ~ Condition Oil


Fiery Wall of Protection  ~ Altar Oil, Condition oil

Fiery Wall of Protection is a classic condition oil to use when working on the behalf of others and when working in protective magic.  For this blend, we went back to the basics with Dragon’s Blood, Frankincense, Myrrh and added Red Himalayan Sea Salt to hold the protections in place.  (Curio).

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Fiery Wall of Protection ~ Altar Oil, Condition oil

Perfect for spiritual work and candle magic and crafted from the oldest to the newest of magic recipes, spell-work and secret combinations, this anointing oil makes a great addition to your magic work.

Fiery Wall of Protection is a classic condition oil to use when working on the behalf of others and when working in protective magic. For this blend, we went back to the basics with Dragon’s Blood, Frankincense, Myrrh. The added Red Himalayan Sea Salt holds the protections in place. (curio)

These oils are perfectly safe to handle. Don’t worry if you get it on your skin! You can wear these oils on your pulse points or place a drop or two on lit charcoal. For ceremonies, place on Chakra points.

Thank you for reading! Please allow TWO WEEKS days to prepare your order. Remember, all shipping is expedited and includes a little lagniappe!

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